Frequently Asked Questions

Login with Facebook and Twitter

Access to all the features of just got easier!

Users who want, can choose to create a new free account, or log in using the credentials of your Facebook or Twitter!
Our applications are SAFE and NOT ADJUST THE PERSONAL DATA Accounts. But it does not end here:


Users who use Facebook, have an additional function: they can automatically IMPORT images that are shared on JustAirbrush!

Example: using the button AirPin, you can import a picture in your collection. And what you post on JustAirbrush, EVEN will be added to the timeline of your Facebook profile!

You can at any time decide to exclude this option, through your control panel on JustAirbrush, but we are convinced that the greater the publicity it received the Artists is better for the same artists.


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 Last updated Sun, Nov 24 2013 5:00pm